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Shaykh Mohammed Daniel (UK)


Shaykh Mohammed Daniel Muhajir al-Dimishqi hails from Great Britain, but found his spiritual home in Damascus, Syria were he migrated to in pursuit of the Sacred Sciences. Up until recently, he had been working in Kuwait as a consultant to the Director of Public Affairs at the Kuwait Ministry of Endowments and Islamic Affairs as well as at numerous other organizations, but resigned in order to provide full-time humanitarian support to Syrian refugees fleeing to Turkey and is now in the process of relocating there.

His strong desire to learn the ‘beneficial’ knowledge as described by the Prophet Muhammad (alayhis salam) coupled with his belief that one should gain from all scholars of Sunnah irrespective of their Islamic partisanship, has allowed him to study under many of the world’s leading scholars in their respective fields of Islamic Sciences thus providing him with the cream of Islamic scholarship and affording him with qualities of tolerance and respect towards others as witnessed by his students and peers.

Throughout his years of studying Islam predominately in Syria, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, as well as his journeys in search of knowledge to over 40 countries he has had the immense privilege of meeting, studying and receiving personal recognition and authorization (Ijazah) from hundreds of scholars worldwide in scores of classical works that include Tafseer, Hadith, Fiqh, Mantiq, Usool, Falak from scholars in Hijaz, Yemen, Greater Syria, Pakistan, India, Morocco, Egypt, Iraq, and various other countries.

During the years that he studied in Damascus, he was fortunate to study at both of the most famous seats of learning, Mahad Abu Nour and Mahad Fath al-Islami where he read in Azhar University Masters Degree Program. In his second term at Mahad Fath al-Islami he was requested to teach Islamic studies to postgraduate students in the faculty of Islamic Studies in International Languages, something he gladly took on while simultaneously studying at the Mahad and personally at the hands of renowned scholars.

As a scholar of Islam, his particular research interests are in the Hadith Sciences, Comparative Religion and Qur’anic Exegesis and Imam Daniel is well known as a staunch proponent of traditional methods in acquiring the Sacred Sciences. By the permission of Allah, it was Shaykh Mohammed Daniel who with the support of his wife, founded Cordoba Academy and continues to oversee and teach with us.








Shaykh Dr Shoayb Ahmed al-Madani


The esteemed Shaykh was born and raised in South Africa where he had his formative study of the Islamic sciences, thereafter continuing with study of the Arabic Language at the King Saud University in Riyadh. After this, he furthered his study by completing a degree in Shariah from the Islamic University of Madinah then and a Masters from the University of South Africa and finally a PhD from the University of Pretoria. Shaykh has also travelled extensively and received ijazah from scores of scholars worldwide.




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